Cognitive identity & rights, Open Minds within a Free Network. Peer-2-Peer Access to Free & Open Source Information. [cybernetics/identity/law/psychology]

COMMONS [Book] [Definition] a place, a real physical space or an more ephermal information space/forum, that is not privately owned. An organizational form that can serve communities of constructive collaboration operating through the medium of Cyberspace.

FREE CULTURE examples; Where you are free to take your car apart and add improvements, to create your own versions of art and literature, to look at the source code of software and create your own modifications, in effect, to explore and expand upon the world as given, without paying tribute.
FREE & OPEN SOURCE [Article] [Definition] Books: [The Cathedral and the Bazzar] [Free as in Freedom] All software is built with source code. Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Open source means the code is open and you can see it, change it, learn from it. Bugs are more quickly found and fixed. And when customers don't like how one vendor is serving them, they can choose another without overhauling their infrastructure. That means: No more arbitrary pricing. No more technology lock-in. No more monopolies. [Computing Research Repository] [see also "Gift Culture"]
• OPEN ACCESS ARCHIVES [Article] [News] Resources: [openarchive] [ArXiv] [archive] [berklee shares] Influential scientists are urging journal publishers to free their published works so they can be accessed in comprehensive digital archives. That would create the opportunity for new services that dynamically interconnect material in the archives. To achieve this, two issues endemic to scholarly journal publishing need to be tackled: decoupling journal content from publishing process; defragmentation of the control of access to works at the article level. [CiteSeer] [Kartoo]
PUBLIC WIRELESS [Definition] [warchalking] In order for the network to remain open to all it's important to build agreements which allow traffic to pass freely over the network. Nodes in the network must pass all traffic regardless of origin, destination or content. It will be important to allow node owners to deal with abusive activity but whenever possible routing agreements should be as open as possible.
::: Coming Soon :::

P2P:PEER-TO-PEER [Article 10.02.03] [Definition] A class of applications that takes advantage of resources -- storage, cycles, content, human presence -- available at the edges of the Internet. [Augmented Social Networks]

RIGHTS AND PRIVACY Focus on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional value